IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
10–11 July 2024 // Boston, MA, USA

Call for Papers

Submit a Paper

IEEE LANMAN has an established tradition as a forum for presenting and discussing the latest technical advances in local and metropolitan area networking. Cutting-edge papers spanning both theory and experimentation are solicited in all areas of networking. In keeping with the heritage of the symposium, there will be a central theme, and in 2024 the theme is “Emerging Technologies for Future Networks.”

The Internet is lately experiencing an unprecedented growth in size and use. Now, more than ever there is a need for building networks that allow for low-latency and high throughput communications, in order to support emerging applications such as Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and autonomous driving, to name a few. This trend poses new challenges in the operations of networks. Here, recent advances in emerging wireless technologies, encompassing high and very high frequencies, combined with new technologies such as Reconfigurable Intelligent surfaces, Massive-MIMO, and Cell-free systems, provide new opportunities for designing innovative solutions that allow new applications with ever-increasing constraints in terms of end-to-end response time and available bandwidth to run smoothly.

The intimate single-track format of the symposium encourages stimulating exchanges between researchers. The event is expected to be a forum for discussion of new and interdisciplinary ideas on network access protocols, network management and control, services and applications. 

Papers are solicited on any topic in networking, including, but not limited to:

  • AI and machine learning for local and metropolitan area networking
  • AI and machine learning for network measurement and traffic analysis
  • Self-learning network architectures
  • Networking designs for AI and machine learning
  • Networking for online education and entertainment
  • Networking protocols and architectures for the IoTs
  • Machine-to-machine communication
  • Cloud, edge and fog computing integration
  • Co-existence and heterogeneity support at the edge (HetNets)
  • Energy efficiency for local and metropolitan area networking
  • 5G and 6G cellular data networking
  • Information security for local and metropolitan area networking
  • Intelligent routing, forwarding, and scheduling
  • Network and transport mechanisms for latency reduction
  • Network virtualization in local and metropolitan areas
  • Performance and reliability of local and metropolitan area networks
  • Software-defined networking in local and metropolitan areas
  • Information-centric networking in local and metropolitan areas

IEEE LANMAN 2024 solicits paper submissions of papers up to 6 pages. Some regular paper submissions may be accepted as short papers (2 pages) by the TPC. The page limits include all figures, tables, and references. All papers must be electronically submitted in PDF according to the guidelines in the symposium website The proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore and will include both short and regular papers presented at the symposium. A best paper award will be awarded.

In addition to the regular paper track, we will organize a demonstration session. The aim is to foster interactive discussions on work-in-progress, new problem statements, and ideas for future development related to LANMAN topics, and display innovative prototypes. Authors of accepted papers will be encouraged to submit demo proposals as a further chance to showcase their papers.

Submission link for regular papers:


Abstract Registration:  March 24, 2024 (23:59 EDT) April 14, 2024 (23:59 EDT) (FIRM)

Paper Submission:  March 31, 2024 (23:59 EDT) April 14, 2024 (23:59 EDT) (FIRM)

Acceptance Notification:  May 16, 2024

Camera-ready Submission: May 30, 2024  June 07, 2024 (23:59 EDT)

Conference Dates: July 10-11, 2024

